How you can create something that taste like a person… that’s kind of incredible, I think.” – Marina Abramovic
For this unprecedented and unique undertaking, Ladurée and Castoriano worked closely with the artist to curate every aspect of the Taste and the pastry. This process begins with the Papillae Questionnaire, a series of questions developed by Castoriano; the answers given by the individual are used to determine the concepts that should be in turn translated to flavors. Abramovic’s responses provide insight to the way the artist thinks about herself, as well as her values, her cherished memories, even her relationship with sugar.
Castoriano chose Marina Abramovic as the first subject to introduce the concept of the Pastry Portrait™ Collection because of her affinity for the intangible and the immaterial. Working with top pastry and macaron maker Ladurée, the Pastry Portrait™ opens the possibility for Abramovic to enter into a new mode of representation, capturing her history and who she is from the perspective of taste. Her body is her medium, the physical tool of her work; working together, Ladurée and Castoriano have conceived a new way of understanding what it is to experience Marina Abramovic.