untitled 2015 (tomorrow is on our tongue, as today pass from our lips)


Within this laboratory, Kreëmart and Rirkrit Tiravanija have created different taste interpretations of locations on a wafer that can be used in the same way as holy bread, which serves as the host. The glass house is a metaphor for the people created by a political party, whatever that may be. The glass stand as a means of separating the public and the laboratory, which may be understood as the unreachable, untouchable process of production and later on, consumption.


The public will have no choice of which taste is received on the wafer; they will eat that of which is served to them. Each individual will consider the taste in a completely singular way. To reiterate the idea of giving false autonomy to the public, the public will line up in four different divisions of the space with holes in the glass structure that connect into the laboratory. This ties back to a political and social context of having choice between candidates but not really having power or autonomy of ultimate choice. Here the political connotation also ties to the containment within the structure. The public may try to perceive and will have their own ideas of what is happening within the laboratory but this is something that will never be divulged.

Whether the reaction is pleasure, disgust, confusion – this will be provoked by taste and will arouse curiosity. No two people will have had the same experience, or understanding, of the taste.

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